jueves, 19 de febrero de 2009

¿ Halliburton se robó la elección de México en 2006 ?

Halliburton de nuevo recibiendo contratos de Pemex. Señalada también como una de las compañías promotoras de la iniciativa privatizadora que presentó el gobierno usurpador a través de su partido (PAN) y que fue detenida por la movilización popular.

Oportuno recordar que en los Estados Unidos, medios alternativos como Alternet en septiembre del 2006, no sólo argumentaban la participación de Halliburton en el fraude electoral, sino que daban cuenta desde entonces de Chicontepec, denominado el "mayor descubrimiento de petróleo en una generación".

No debemos olvidar nuestra historia reciente, porque podemos ser engañados.

En la búsqueda de impunidad, muchos de los operadores mexicanos de estas empresas, como el caso de César Nava, buscan curules para obtener el fuero.
Y aquí la nota original :

"In shades of the 2000 US presidential election, Mexico's electoral court declared Felipe Calderon president-elect. As the court said, "The presidential elections of the United States of Mexico are valid."

There has been a major controversy over the result of the election and irregularities are rampant. However, Felipe Calderon, with support of Bush, FOX News' Dick Morris, Wal-Mart, Craft, and yes, Halliburton, has been "declared victorious."

Now, in classic corporate Economic Hit Man style, Caldron will begin privatizing Mexico's national oil company and handing over resources owned by the Mexican people to US corporations.

Although, presidential challenger, Lopez Obrador is not going quietly. Unlike Gore or Kerry's concession to Bush, Obrador says he will not recognize Caldron's presidency and will form his own "parallel government." And it appears that the majority of Mexicans are behind him. We will have to see how this plays out.

Coincidently, this all comes at a time when US oil companies have made a major oil discovery in the Gulf of Mexico. It has been called "the largest oil find in a generation." I guess they won't have to worry about the Mexicans getting a cut of the huge profits to come.

In this video clip, Amy Goodman interviews John Ross about US corporate involvement and interests in the Mexican presidential election. "

David DeGraw is AlterNet's video blogger.

Y aquí la liga para que visites a Alternet : http://www.alternet.org/blogs/video/41366/

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